CPS Lawsuit Dam Cracking
Please Note: I’m working to rebuild this web site but wanted to error in getting this story out quickly. Thanks for your understanding. For decades, state child protective service (CPS) agencies hand-in-hand with state family courts have saved thousands of kids from alleged abuse scenarios. One minor problem. They...
Up to Speed
Hi there. The site was down for a bit. The challenges of dime and nickeling it as a family court victim. Sorry for the down time. I was able to salvage most content from the previous site but it's an ugly, one-page dump of four years of content. Beats...
2014-2017 Archives
This is a dump of 2014-2017 content. It is unlikely I will take time to reformat but it is here for historical purposes. LOST GENERATION This isn’t about me and it’s not about my divorce. It’s about thousands upon thousands of divorces needlessly destroying the lives of kids and...